of Bodies
BoB (Biomechanics of Bodies) is a family of biomechanical modelling software packages combining a human musculoskeletal model with an easy to use, intuitive interface and powerful analysis functionality resulting in quantitative, objective information.
The BoB family contains 4 variants:
BoB/Core for biomechanical analysis
BoB/Ergo for ergonomic analysis
BoB/EMG for EMG analysis
BoB/Teaching for teaching biomechanics
BoB combines a short learning curve with sophisticated analysis and multifunctional graphics.
BoB is widely used in academia and industry with applications including product design, sporting performance, equipment design, man/machine interactions, vehicle design, gerontology, manual handling, ergonomics and many more.
Follow us on Twitter: @BoB_Biomech
BoB Biomechanics is a corporate member of the
European Society of Biomechanics